Reiki Sessions
Reiki for Adults & Children
Distance Reiki
Animal Reiki
Distance Reiki
Animal Reiki
The beautiful Stella Moon Healing studio is set up to promote peace, healing, and restoration. Beginning with a body scan hands are held above or on the body in order to feel for energy blockages in the chakras and body. After the body scan, hands are positioned on or near any areas that need healing and attention starting at the crown and going down the body to the feet. The experience of what this will feel like is unique. Some clients report tingling, heat from my hands, temperature change, or a deep sense of relaxation. After the session, unwanted energy is detoxed leaving a feeling of tranquility, clarity, and full of love. Experience a Personal Full Body Reiki session, or choose one of the Reiki options outlined below: |
Distance Reiki
In Reiki training, practitioners learn about the distance symbol, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. This symbol represents Reiki's ability to transcend time and space, allowing Distance Reiki to clear blockages and provide healing even when you're not physically present. Guided by the ancient principle of the Hermetic Law of Similarity, where we're all interconnected energy, healers can tap into your energy field, enhancing feelings of happiness, relaxation, restoration, and ease. Distance Reiki is a beautiful way to connect with and channel your life force energy for healing benefits. |
Reiki for Children
Reiki offers a gentle and non-invasive healing experience for children and teenagers, promoting relaxation and aiding in shifting out of fight-or-flight mode. Stella Moon's expertise as an early childhood specialist, along with her educational background in Human Development and Special Education, equips her to guide children effectively through energy healing. With her support, children gain insights into the benefits of energy healing and receive tools to maintain a sense of peace and wellness beyond our sessions. |
Reiki for Pets
Reiki helps to clear any physical, emotional, and mental imbalances your pet may be experiencing, allowing harmonious and new patterns of wellness to emerge. Pets often feel a profound state of calmness, restore the nervous system, a reduction in stress, addressing any traumas, easing any pain, improve or regulate appetite, and speed up the healing process. |
Each of Stella Moon’s transformational healing services begins with a shamanic piri piri cleansing and are accompanied by a short sound healing using Crystal Tone’s. Each service can also be paired with Rapé , Mapacho and/or Sananga, indigenous plant medicines that cleanse your mind, body, and spirit by grounding your energy, leaving you feeling calmer, more focused, and in line with your higher self.
Your full body reiki session at Stella Moon will include:
Allow your pet to experience a reiki healing session.
*Pet parents are welcomed and encouraged to join their fur babies in this experience.
This bundle includes: