Sound Healing Services

Individual & Group Sessions

Adults, Children & Teens

1:1 Mentorship

Private Bookings

This centuries old practice may sound and feel like magic, but it works on a scientific level to create healing, restoration, and peace.

“Sound has the power to heal our wounds, ignite our spirit, change consciousness, and reunite us with the divine harmonies and rhythms of the universe.”

-Donna Carey, PhD

Sound Healing in Highland, California

Sound Healing

During your sound healing session, you will lay in a grounded, comfortable position on the floor as the harmonious sounds of crystal bowls are played for you. After your intention is set, nine Crystal Tone Bowls that are aligned with the chakras will be played. The angelic vibrational sounds from the bowls open the chakras, move energy, and help you as you release and restore.

During and after the session you will feel lightness, peace, and healing as thought patterns shift from negative to positive. You will feel a shift in how you perceive traumas and fears.

Stella Moon Healing offers a variety of sound healing options that are outlined below. For more information on group sound healing sessions contact Stella Moon.

1 hour Session | $150

My 1 hour Sound Healing Services Can Be Applied to the Following:

  • Sound Healing for Couples

    Sound healing is a unique experience for couples. By sitting with one another, you allow your vibration energy to attune to the bowls, and to each other. Even without speaking, your body will be forming and strengthening emotional bonds on a cellular level. This is a great way to reduce stress, increase relaxation, and improve your connection with your loved one.

  • Sound Healing for Families

    Experience the serenity of sound healing for your family! My sessions foster harmony, reduce stress, and deepen connections. From relaxation to improved sleep, discover the transformative power of sound for both kids and adults. Sound healing works to create a peaceful haven where your family thrives through the therapeutic embrace of sound healing.

  • Sound Healing for Children & Teens

    Unlock the magic of sound healing for your child! My sessions offer a unique and gentle approach to wellness, utilizing soothing sounds to calm, inspire, and empower young minds. Sound healing helps children relax, sleep better, and navigate emotions with ease, fostering a sense of harmony and well-being. I work to create a nurturing space where your child can thrive, finding peace and joy through the healing power of sound.

  • Sound Healing for Pets

    Healing bowls are powerful tools for everyone, including animals. We share so many similarities on a cellular level with animals, and their bodies and minds react in the same way we do to the beautiful power of singing bowls. Singing bowls can help your pet become more relaxed, release aggression, have relief from pain, and decrease their stress levels. Sound healing for pets requires a shorter session and is priced at $88.

Sound Healing Mentorship

Are you intrigued by the fascinating realm of Sound Therapy and Sound Healing? Whether you aim to explore this captivating world or aspire to become a sound healer yourself, we offer flexible mentorship sessions. Select from single sessions, a package of three, five, or delve even further with a series of ten sessions. Each session deepens your understanding of sound healing philosophies, providing ample practice time for a comprehensive learning experience.

Book Me & My Bowls For Your Space

Want to elevate your practice with sound healing? Book me and my bowls for your private and public events.

Elevate the energy of your space with the healing power of sound.

I love playing my bowls at the following locations:

  • Yoga Studios

  • Music Studios

  • Outdoor Festivals

  • Yoga Retreats

  • Spas

  • And More!

Sound Healing FAQ

  • Sound healing is a powerful therapy that harnesses sound and vibration to help the body return to a state of peace. Sound treatments work on an auditory and physical level to help every cell in your body. By returning your cells to their natural and healthy vibrational frequencies, you can reach a profound and healing state of total relaxation.

  • Sound therapy may sound and feel like magic, but it works on a scientific level to create healing, restoration, and peace. There is a reason why sound healing has been around for centuries.

    Vibrational Frequencies: The universe is in a constant state of vibration. Atoms vibrate to form molecules, and you can actually hear these vibrations with the right equipment. We are made up of atoms and molecules, and so our bodies— our organs, tissues, cells, bones, and liquids— vibrate as well. We are also surrounded by the vibrations of the electromagnetic fields that surround us. Physics shows us that an object that is vibrating at a lower frequency will begin to vibrate at a higher frequency if it is near something that is more powerful. When I use my bowls and play on high frequencies, your vibrations will rise to match.

    Sound Waves: When a sound wave reaches our brain, our neurons begin to vibrate in response. Depending on what the vibrations from the bowls are, your brain will trigger different responses. Sound therapy uses different frequencies to shift your state of consciousness away from the everyday beta state of consciousness, and into the more relaxed theta state, and deeper into the delta state. This can alter our emotions, release hormones, and put our bodies and minds in elevated states where deep internal healing and understanding can take place.

    Parasympathetic Nervous System Activation: Our bodies are constantly in the sympathetic nervous system mode, which is our fight or flight mode. We are aware of all the stimuli around us, and our bodies release cortisol— the stress hormone— and adrenaline to help us stay alert and awake. This is why we feel shaky after a near-miss in traffic. This is draining on our bodies, and we can feel exhausted and overstimulated. Relief comes from switching from the sympathetic nervous system into the parasympathetic system, but this requires sleep, meditation, relaxing yoga, or sound therapy. Sound therapy allows you to switch into the parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn impacts your hormone release, digestion, blood sugar levels, inflammation, heart rate, blood pressure, and emotions.

  • Sound healing can help support and heal you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Here are just some of the things that my clients have reported after our sound healing sessions.

    -Relief from physical pain or chronic pain

    -Lower blood pressure

    -Increased creativity

    -Immune system restoration

    -Reduction in stress and anxiety

    -Relief from depression

    -Better rest and sleep

    -Increase in self-esteem and self-confidence

    -Healing or release from emotional trauma

    -A lessening of “mind chatter”

    -Communication with the subconscious

    -Spiritual healing

    -A sense of peace and balance

    -A spirit of joyfulness

-Dori Lewis | Owner Reflective Healing in Fort Collins, Colorado

“Stella was an incredible mentor when I was beginning to play my bowls. Stella really seems to understand the importance of relationship when it comes to connecting and playing the singing bowls. Her knowledge and wisdom was exactly what I needed to deepen my relationship and encourage a more connected experience of playing.”

V.V.V., San Bernardino, California

“My teenage daughter developed social anxiety due to the pandemic and quarantine. I scheduled a mommy and me sound healing and reiki treatment for my daughter with Stella. By the end of the treatment, my teenage daughter was smiling and felt her anxiety subside. It’s been a month since we had the Mommy and me treatment and I see such a change in her, she hasn’t had the anxiety attack nor feel the symptoms of the anxiety, like stomach aches. She has started to open up and even her teachers have commented that she is very confident, a team player, and works well with others. I definitely will schedule with Stella again.”